Friday, May 10, 2013

Beauty at the side of the house.

I was coming down with a nasty cold and didn't feel much like doing anything, especially going outside. Teri came in the house and suggested that I go take some pictures of the rohododendrons at the side of the house. Knowing that blossoms don't always wait around for me to feel like getting out to take pictures, I decided to gather my equipment and see what I could do. This is the favorite of the shots I got that day. As it turned out, it was the only highlight of the week. I spent the rest of it in bed feeling very poorly.  ISO 500, f4.5, 1/60th, 57 mm  *** Updated note:  Looking at this shot today, I see a flat uninteresting shot.  I guess shooting while sick is not such a good idea. 

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